This picture, taken at the doctor's office today, cracks me up....all the previous pictures were taken while he was laying down. He looks like such a big boy! Here are his stats:
Weight: 23lbs (80th percentile)
Height: 28.75" (75th percentile)
Head: 47 cm
The doctor did a series of tests to make sure that Parker is developing normally (whatever that means!). The only thing that Parker doesn't do yet is pointing at things. However, he is able to pick up food with his fingers (pincer grasp) so the doctor isn't worried. I guess we'll work on pointing. I don't normally point because I was taught that pointing isn't nice. HA! We will be visiting an Opthamologist regarding Parker's blocked tear duct soon. Dr. Eastman said they will need to "probe" the duct so that will be interesting. I do hope this doctor can help because some days Parker's eyes look terrible.
Parker did not have any shots today but they did prick his toe to check his iron level, which was normal. There isn't much else to report and the next appointment will be when he is a year old.
Here are a couple pictures I took today:
Caroline had a clogged tear duct too. Hers cleared up on her own. We thought we'd have to go to the eye doctor. I had a couple friends tell me their kids had theirs cleared up by a doctor and it was no big deal at all.