Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sounds From Your Past (and Present)

Reminder: this blog is meant to be an online scrapbook for Parker and our family. Some of the contents are a bit silly but someday I hope to look back at this and be reminded of all of the silly times we had. With that in mind, enjoy this post!

I wanted to jot down some of the songs I sing to Parker on a regular basis. Our nightly prayer is included as well. My husband may be the only person that knows this about me but I will share it with you.....I love to sing songs but add in my own personal touch. So basically, I use the melody and add in my own words. Sit back and take a listen....

Hush Little Baby ("performed" during months 2-11):

Hush little baby don't say a word, Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird, if that mocking bird don't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring, If that diamond ring don't shine, Momma's gonna buy you a clementine, If that clementine's not sweet, Momma's gonna buy you a Meryl Streep, If that Meryl Streep can't act, Momm's gonna buy you a jujy (as in fruit) pack. So hush little baby don't say a word, Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird.

Ta-da....beautiful, huh?!?

The next song is currently being "performed" every night at bedtime:

Night Night Parker (to the tune of a few Gymboree songs):

Night night Parker, night night Millie, night night Lizzie, we'll see you in the morning. Night night bear bear, night night elephant, night night monkey, we'll see you in the morning. Night night Parker Lee, night night Daddy, night night Mommy, we'll see you in the morning.

And finally, our nightly prayer. It is a little weird to say to your child "if I die before I wake", but it's the prayer I remember from my childhood so we'll use it for now.

Bedtime Prayer:

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Millie, Lizzie, Grandma, Mimi, Grandpa, Aunt La-La, Uncle Qui-que, Ryan, Emily, Aunt Me-Me, Unkie Bunkie, Baby Avery, Aunt Rachael and all of our friends and family. We love you Jesus, Amen.

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