On Monday, I had surgery to remove my Gallbladder. I had TWO attacks the previous week that were the worst! I have never been in that much pain....granted I did not go through childbirth but still! Anyway, my Mom was wonderful enough to take a week off work to take care of me and Parker. Between her and Bryan, they took great care of Parker and me! For the first couple days I was sore and very tired but otherwise good. I never really had any pain. I didn't like the fact that I could not hold Parker very well/long but by the end of the week, I could!
Life did not stop just because I had surgery and my Mom was a trooper by going with us to doctor appointments, music class and a playdate. And while I was resting, her and Parker played both inside and outside. He was sad to see her leave!
On Wednesday, Parker had his first music class at Hunter's Glen Baptist Church in Richardson. We've decided to end our membership at Gymboree but wanted to fill that spot with something else. We thought a music class would be fun. So, here is ONE picture from our first day. Yes, it is not a very good one since it really doesn't show anything to do with music but remember, I just had surgery. And I actually can't remember what song/activity they were doing. HA!

And here is my boy on the day that Grandma left to go back home....I guess he thought if he sat in her bag she would not be able to leave. Poor boy!

Thank you Mom and Bryan for taking good care of Parker and me! I wish I was with it enough to take more pictures but I wasn't. BOO!