If you haven't heard my cries for help then maybe I wasn't loud or clear enough.....WE ARE ALL SICK! As I am writing this, I am feeling much better, Bryan is just stuffy and Parker still has a terrible cough but has progressed from a week ago. Let me back track a bit....
Last Thursday the 17th, we were at home all day. The boy woke just fine and ate breakfast as he normally would. We played until 11ish, at which time he started acting sluggish. He came in my room and wanted up on the bed. He pointed to the TV and so I turned it on. Have I mention that I am bossed around by two boys most of the day?!? Anyway, Parker laid down on a pillow and watched TV. I knew something was up because he is never still for longer than 2 or 3 minutes. I took his temp and it was 101.7. He hasn't run a fever since last Easter. He had been coughing a little so I was wondering if he was coming down with something. Let's detour for a moment.....2 of his friends, that were over playing the Friday before, had come down with ear infections and strep (or the virus that causes strep since at this age they can't actually get strep). They were BOTH in my house! I cleaned like crazy after they left and prayed that we wouldn't get sick. Sunday, Luke got sick. Tuesday (or so) Cruz got sick. And then Thursday, Parker got sick. BOO! Back to my story....Bryan came home early and took Parker to the doctor, while I showered and cleaned. Dr. Eastman said that all the symptoms indicated that he must have some type of infection but after a flu swab and strep swab, Parker was cleared to go home. His throat was red but we couldn't do anything. That night was the worse! Parker slept for about 2 hours and then was up until 6am. And so were we. Bryan stayed home from work on Friday to get some rest...
Friday brought a terrible cough, some wheezing and a very fussy baby. His temp stayed above 100.7 all day and we didn't do much but lay around and rest. I called Dr. Eastman's office twice with concerns over Parker not being able to sleep (because of congestion) and his wheezing. I was told there was not really much to do. Friday night came and I was planning to hold Parker (upright) while he slept. Otherwise he was not going to be able to sleep. As I held him, the wheezing kept getting worse. After discussing this with the on-call nurse, she wanted us to take him to Pediatrics After Hours (which is an after-hours clinic). I like this place much more than taking him to the ER. After meeting with Dr. Fernandez, taking another flu and strep swab and monitoring his breathing, she wanted us to start some breathing treatments. She was concerned that this could possibly turn into pneumonia and sent us home with some instructions on what to look for. BUT the best advice we got was this: put one drop of Afrin in each nostril before bedtime to help with the congestion. I would have paid that doctor lots of dollars for that advice. Finally, my child was able to sleep and so were we!!!
Saturday was met with something fun.....Parker and Luke Skyped. It was so cute watching two sick friends communicate like only toddlers can do. Cute...
One day Parker seems to be getting a little better and then the next day is met with a new symptom. I won't bore you with how sick Bryan and I have been but it is sure rough when the entire house is sick. For the record, Millie and Lizzie have been perfect angels. This is what happens when Bryan has to go to work, I am so sick I can barely keep my eyes open and Parker is tired of being indoors...
Today was a new day for ME! I felt normal. I cooked dinner, made some homemade graham crackers for Parker and did 2 loads of laundry...
Parker still has a terrible cough, lots of snot and is still congested. Also, Parker has had some "bathroom" issues since last Thursday that hasn't cleared up. Poor boy! He is sleeping better, in better spirits and wants to show you where it hurts...
Sorry for the long post. I will update with more information and of course, I have a lot more posts to catch up on. Please pray that our little boy heals quickly. We have a trip planned to Angleton next week and would like to have a baby that is well.