Thursday, June 17, 2010

BEWARE: This is the Roughest Procedure Yet!

We debated whether or not to include this picture and decided to but know that it is disturbing (at least for us!) We went to visit the opthamologist today and it was rough! Several people told me that the eye procedure to clear out the tear ducts is no big deal....they were partially correct! As a side note, Bryan did join us for this appointment and I am sooooo thankful he did!!! Our appointment started out with the nurse putting drops in Parker's eyes (that is why his eyes are yellow below). Then the doctor came in and looked at Parker's eyes and confirmed that he does have blocked tear ducts (in both eyes). The nurse and the doctor took Parker into another room to do the procedure. They were gone maybe 5 minutes but when my baby returned, he was so upset. It was very very sad. They had to put him in a papoose and then they put a wire into each eye to clean the duct out. The doctor told us that Parker may bleed from his eyes and nose...huh, are you kidding me?!?! I took my crying baby out to the car, Bryan went back to work and we both sat in the car and cried. This was very tramatic for me.....a very upset baby that I could not get calmed down and he is now bleeding out of his eyes and nose. TERRIBLE!!! I know he will not remember this and that is what people mean when they tell you this procedure is no big deal BUT for me, it was very sad!
After a nap for Parker and me, Bryan joined us for dinner with some new friends. We had a really great time! It's great when you meet new people and you have a lot of common interests. Our boy seems to be ok tonight. His eyes are still draining and we have to go back to the doctor in 3 weeks for a re-check. This eye thing is something I would like to move past very soon!


  1. Oh my....I'm so sorry you all went through that. I would have been crying too! It is a big deal!

  2. Oh my goodness - hugs to sweet Parker (brave man!!!) and to you (even braver!). Hope the procedure fixed him up and you never have to go through something like that again! Call me if you guys need absolutely anything!

  3. Oh my gracious. I am so sorry. That would have been super hard for me too. Hugs and kisses to you both.
