Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Out With the New & In With the Newer

As many of you know, we have been gritching about our mattress for a long good while now. So after I returned from my girls night away, Bryan informed me that we were going to buy a new mattress. that day. and that day only! So, ten days later, the Penske truck pulled up (very weird, I know!) and delivered our new mattress! They took our old mattress out and let the entire neighborhood see the first mattress that Bryan and I bought together, the first mattress our son pee'd on and the mattress that is less than FOUR years old:
And then proceeded to put together our glorified air mattress:
Bryan is now in love....close to lust....but we'll stick with love for now:
For the record, my sleep number is 50 and Bryan's sleep number is 40!

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