Thursday, December 31, 2009

Memorable Moments from 2009

As Bryan and I look back at 2009, there is a lot to reflect on! I can't help but be filled with a lot of different emotions as I recall all the good and bad moments we've had. One thing I do know is that my relationship with Bryan is much stronger, our family is much closer and my desire to be more Christ-like is deeper!

I hope you enjoy this list of things that stick out in our minds of things that we will remember from 2009 (thanks KB for the idea!):

1. 1 positive pregnancy test
2. 2 weddings
3. 1 career change (me to SAHW/M)
4. 1 promotion (Bryan to Manager)
5. 8 sonograms
6. 2 hospital stays
7. 1 surgery
8. 1 bouncing baby boy
9. 5 different formulas
10. 1 new car
11. 1 vacation
12. 1 master bedroom remodel
13. 1 new baseball nursery
14. 3 baby showers
15. 1 dragon costume
16. 1 blog
17. lots of new friends
18. lots of old friends
19. a new appreciation for one another and for family
20. stonger relationship with God

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