Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meeting Milestones

Dr. Eastman always asks what things Parker is doing. I am sure he has some sort of task checklist based on Parker's age that he runs through. I thought I would share some of the things that we have accomplished and are currently working on.

-Parker is smiling.
-Parker just started laughing today.
-Parker does roll over.
-Parker can sit up for a short time without support.
-Parker can grasp toys in front of him.
-Parker is still working on sitting up for longer periods of time.
-Parker will hopefully start moving toys from one hand to another.
-Parker still doesn't enjoy tummy time but we still do it.
-Parker drinks 5 - 8oz bottles per day (soy formula).
-Parker still sleeps well at night.
-Parker started solids today (see the next post)
-Parker does well in social situations (restaurants, play-dates, etc.)

Dr. Eastman asked if I stay home with Parker during the day and of course I responded with yes. I am not sure if he thinks it's a good or bad thing but we have no regrets. I am sure there are pros and cons but for us, it is working right now.

We are enjoying all the little "firsts", some small and some big. I am looking forward to another eventful month!

I will leave you with's a picture of Parker and me in front of our FIRST wood fire. The gas fire wasn't really doing it for us so we decided today that we would change from gas to wood. With it being 14 outside this morning, the $40 in firewood will not last long!

By the way, YES my child is still in his Christmas pajamas...only because he is growing so fast that the 6-month footed pajamas are too small now! UGH! How can this be? Bryan and I had a family meeting this morning about this very thing (silly, I know) because we have another 2 months of cold weather. Here are our options: buy hard-to-find-at-this-age pajamas without the "footed" part, take the current footed pajamas and cut the foot part off, put him in gowns and/or hope that a grandparent or two will buy us some cute Valentine's pajamas (this is after the tons of clothes they bought Parker for Christmas). The jury is still out on the decision.....

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