Monday, November 22, 2010

Concussion Update

(This is Parker a year ago trying to sit in his Bumbo. This picture makes my heart skip a beat...)

We took Parker back to the dr this morning for a check-up. Dr. Eastman checked him from one end to the other and all seems to be fine. YAY! Since Parker is improving, Dr. Eastman is ok with the him not eating a's the liquids that are important. If he doesn't continue to improve, we will go back in for some testing on Wednesday. At this time last year we were doing all those tests on his digestive system so I think having a CT scan would be fitting but NOT what any of us want to deal with!!! I am happy to report that the following has been consumed by my son since this mornings appointment: cup of yogurt, 10 saltines, 3 black olives, 4 strawberries, 2 cups of milk, 4 cups of water, 2 animal crackers and one LARGE helping of chicken spaghetti. I think we are on the upside of things, don't you?!?!

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