Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today, My Boy Ate His First Snail!!!

Parker loves to follow Millie and Lizzie outside. It doesn't take him long to get from the kitchen, out the door and to the grass. And today was no different: I opened the door to let the dogs out, Parker follows them outside (by crawling), sits outside on the patio for a bit, and then when I called the dogs inside, Parker followed. However, when he got inside, I noticed he was chewing on something. Bryan was closer so he checked his mouth and guess what.....IT WAS A SNAIL! I was so excited but Bryan was about to barf! You see, I will be the one teaching Parker about bugs and digging in the dirt and Bryan will teach him about electronics and cool things that light up. Bryan does NOT like to get his hands dirty!

Sorry, no pictures this time!

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