Monday, June 6, 2011

Bite Update

We did end up going to see Dr. Eastman this afternoon. I called to ask some questions about the medicine that was given by the ER doctor and Nurse Jan (our fav!) really wanted Dr. Eastman to check it out. Dr. Eastman did confirm that he was pretty sure that it was a bite of some kind and not MRSA (infection). He explained that we need to keep a close eye on the white center and should it become darker, we should bring Parker back to the office. We will continue with the antibiotics and steroids and watch his leg closely. BTW, Dr. Eastman did say that the steroids might make Parker act a little crazy....

Note to self: I have a bad habit these days of not recording important things that Parker does and says, other than places we go. So in an effort to be better, I would like to note that Parker said "eas-man" (for Dr. Eastman), "nus-jan" (for Nurse Jan).

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