It's been a really weird week for us. Parker has been really fussy and we thought it was him teething and have been treating it accordingly. He slept most of the day on Monday, we missed storytime on Wednesday because of a long nap and I missed a game night with the girls. And the weather has been unpredictable. So, it was really nice to have a playdate today with some of our friends. Michelle and Austin were great hosts and Parker did ok for the most part. Here are some of the pics I got today:
Parker eating Austin's "D".....

Cruz, he is so cool....11 months old, with a mohawk and walking.....

Our host, Austin....he's always smiling, except for in this picture.....

Little boy Will.....Stroller Skating buddy.....

I took Parker to the doctor this afternoon for an ear check. They are all clear but his throat is really red. Dr. Eastman did a Strep test and it was negative (Praise God!). I don't really need anymore proof that our boy has allergies. There is not much you can do for a 6 month old so we'll continue what we are doing for now.
Tomorrow we are meeting Bryan for lunch and then we are going to see the Easter Bunny. I hope Parker feels up to it and has fun. We are gearing up and counting down the days until we are home for Easter!!!
Hope Parker feels well soon! Allergies are to tough on these little guys.