Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wandering Wednesday

Mid-week is here and we are dragging around like it's still Monday!  The weather this morning was in the mid-20s but no ice or snow to report.  Bryan had an early meeting so he left before the roosters were up which left me snuggling with Parker, feeding him breakfast (a blueberry smoothie was requested) and taking him to school.  Bryan, for the most part, takes Parker to school every morning so I guess I should have prepared myself for the drama that started as we were headed to the garage to get in the car.  The "I don't want to leave my house", and "it's too cold to be outside", or "where's Daddy?" continued as we made our way to school and proceeded to his classroom.  However, once he saw the activity tables in his class, I was old news :)  This week at school they are learning about outer space so you can imagine all of the items the teachers had out for the kids to play with!

Once the boy was safely in his classroom, I made my way home to catch up on some emails, make some calls, fold the laundry and make the beds.  I had nothing on my calendar for the morning so I was just wandering around the house at my own pace.  Bryan planned to pick Parker up from school because I had a scheduled doctor's appointment but the appointment needed to be rescheduled because some lady just had to go into labor ;)  Anyway, Bryan still got the boy from school and then "worked from home" the rest of the day.  I cooked something new....yes, a Pinterest recipe....Cashew Chicken and it was delish!  Everyone gave it a thumbs up!

Bath and bed time was, well, the usual and nothing like this:

That picture is from two years ago this month when he loved taking baths.  Not so much now ;)

An uneventful day for us with no new pictures today.  I did promise to blog so I guess there will be days like new pics, no real news, etc.  A fun day planned tomorrow should generate some pictures and maybe a funny story or two!

Until then,

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