Saturday, April 30, 2011

Carey + Cheryl = BFF

Only BFFs have matching shoes (different brand) without knowing it and wear them on the same day, to the same party!

Baby Emily Will Arrive Soon!

Today we celebrated the Radovic Family and the impending arrival of Baby Emily. Everything was so pink and girly! It was fun to chat with the girls and get the low-down on all the pregnancies (AND all the mommies that are buying mini-vans........).

Delicious food and drinks!

Baby Emily's first tu-tu :)

Jessica and and mommy-to-be!

"I Kick The Ball"

As I sit here typing I can hear Parker over the monitor saying over and over again, "I kick the ball, I kick the ball outside...". So I guess he likes soccer!

We started our first soccer class this morning and it was......WONDERFUL! We have a few little tweaks to make on our end but the soccer part was fun. There are six boys in this class (another little boy is named Parker....what are the odds?) and Coach Luis is very animated and encouraging. There were several drills that the kids did (video following) to try and encourage them to use only their feet and lots of running, of course. Parker is the youngest in the class as most of the kids are at least two. Here are a couple pictures that I got today:

Luke is in the next class so the boys were able to play a little bit before that class started:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite Picture Friday

OK, there are TWO of them! We found some Elmo pajamas today but only in size I bought them. They fit just fine :)
And this!
Bryan and I made this together (you know I have to include him in any project I am doing!!!) tonight for Jessica and Baby Emily. A few friends are hosting a baby shower tomorrow and I wanted to try my hand at making a cute picture frame. I think it's cute (and looks great on my bedside table!).

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Favorite!

Parker and I are having a hard time adjusting back to "real life" after our trip to Angleton so until we get it together, I will share one of my favorite pictures from our trip! :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Angleton: Playing with Grandma

After the Sea Center, eating lunch at The Local and buying some shoes at Forever Treasure, we headed back to Grandma's house for a nap and dinner. Grandma had a surprise for Parker.....she made him a dinosaur tail (I love it!!!!):
After dinner we went to the park:
Grandma showing Parker how it's done and Parker trying to help Grandma stay up:
I love this picture of them both sliding together:

Angleton: Sea Center of Texas

After storytime we headed to the Sea Center in Lake Jackson. I volunteered here in my younger days so I was excited for Parker to visit with me. First we checked out the Touch Tank, where Grandma and Parker touched a crab:

And then we looked at some gulf fish:
And a really big grouper fish:
Who was looking at Parker:
We also walked out on the pier to see the wetland area but we didn't see many animals. The hatchery tours were not being given today so I was a little disappointed but Parker had enough fun checking out the other fish and sharks.

Angleton: Miss Emmy's Storytime

My Mom met us at the library for Miss Emmy's Storytime this morning. Miss Emmy use to read stories to me when I was younger, in this very same spot. My Grandmother use to take me to hear these wonderful stories. Miss Emmy also read a story at Parker's first birthday party. I love her! This is where Parker stayed during storytime:
He wasn't sure about Miss Emmy but I had a great time :) After storytime, they show a movie and Parker was not interested at all. Grandma took him into the library and this is where we found them:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Angleton: Country Playing

In the water where the frogs live:
Swinging in the big boy swing:
Watching the trains go by:
Checking out Grandpa's new workshop:
And riding around the yard in a motorized scooter:

Angleton: A Day With Mimi & Grandpa (Cont'd)

After a nap, we headed down to Surfside Beach. This is NOT the Surfside Beach I remember as a teenager:
My loves:

The first dip in the Gulf of Mexico:
Itty-bitty Parker footprints:
A very nice lady gave Parker 2 beautiful shells. He loved playing with them in the sand:

Being at the beach made me miss home a little bit! Can't wait for the upcoming summer visits to the beach.

Angleton: A Day With Mimi & Grandpa

After getting to Angleton safely yesterday afternoon and getting a good nights sleep, we started today off with a trip to the Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin with Mimi and Grandpa. I never knew a place like this existed but it was a lot of fun. Parker had a great time feeding the goats:
Riding the tram to feed some other animals:
Like an ostrich (I will upload some video of us feeding other animals):
We also saw an ostrich lay an egg:
And the very last thing we did was ride the horses. This was Parker's FIRST time to ride a horse:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

SECOND Sentence & A Big Mistake

This morning Parker said his second sentence. It went like this, "Daddy, sit down". Ha! I love it. The vocabulary is growing more and more everyday.

This picture is actually from Thursday. The water table we got last year can be used in all different ways: water, sand, rice, pasta and cereal. It was so pretty outside but I needed to get some items baked so I decided to set up the table with cereal and pasta in it. I was able to bake and see Parker from the (open) kitchen window. He and the dogs had a large time but after 15 minutes of all 3 of them eating the table contents, I decided the pasta and cereal was a HUGE mistake. At least they all had fun:

My Favorite Picture From Today

Friday, April 15, 2011

The View From My Treadmill

Boxes, cords, computers (does a family of three really need FIVE computers?!?!), disks, papers and other technical's why I married him!!! P.S. - Blackmon, can you find your child's present in all of this mess? It's like "Where's Waldo?". HEHE!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Favorite Moment From Today!


I had to wake Parker from his nap today because we needed to get to the park for the egg hunt. He stood up in his bed and said to me, "sl-iiiii-de". He loves to slide, as I've mentioned before but he's taking it to the extreme. At the park there were THREE slides......really?!?!

A very big slide that Parker was not afraid to climb: Happy as he can be:
A small baby slide:
And then this, which made me shudder watching him climb up to this slide:

Easter Egg Hunt Playdate

This afternoon after nap we went over to Patty/Caroline's neighborhood park for an Easter Egg Hunt. This is the same park we were at for the Pumpkin Hunting last year. Such a beautiful day to hunt some eggs. Last year Parker was too young to hunt eggs but this year he caught on quickly. After everyone got there and the eggs were hidden, we got down to business: Parker finding his first egg:
He really wanted to examine them and see what was inside:
I think this is a job well done my son:
After a snack and some playtime, we all went to eat dinner together. C-R-A-Z-Y!!! Twelve adults and as many kids crashed Scotty Ps for burgers and fries. We were all stuck again with husbands working late but my husband made it home before bathtime was over. YAY! It's been a crazy busy day with waking late, music class, playtime at the rec center, lunch with Cheryl/Luke, naptime, egg hunt and dinner....I believe my bed is calling me :)